All three of us used large binoculars to find the comet.  Nakamura and Nishimura were using commercially made instruments.  My binoculars were homemade by me in 1983.  The objectives are old aerial photography lenses with front lenses of 6.2 inches in diameter.  Each objective is made of five elements with the back one being 4.5 inches in diameter.  This was my fourth discovery with this instrument.

Looking through my notes, I was sweeping in the area on the morning of July 4, a session that began on the evening of July 3.  I swept for a while in this area, working my way downward in the northeastern sky, and stopped while still 10 degrees above the comet because I was tired.  If I had continued, I would have picked up the comet on July 4.  On July 6, when I actually did pick up the comet, I started where I left off on July 4th and continued working downward in the northeastern sky.  On June 11 I swept the polar region, covering an area above the comet and working downward, stopping about 10 degrees above it, then starting near the horizon and working my way up, this time stopping about 10 degrees below the comet.  On the evening of June 27, I also covered the polar region and either missed the comet while sweeping over it or, more likely, did not extend my sweep all the way to the right where the comet was due to a tree in that part of the sky.

I did several interviews for both radio and print, but most of the questions and interest was about Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, which was due to hit Jupiter in two weeks.

The comet eventually traveled south, in early September moving at three degrees per day, and my last view of it was in late September 1994.  I tried to see it on my birthday, October 7, when it was only 8 degrees above my southern horizon but failed to see it.

Under the new comet designation system, introduced in 1995, the comet was renamed C/1994 N1 (Nakamura-Nishimura-Machholz).  In 2002 two faint comets were discovered by LINEAR.  They are C/2002 Q2 and C/2002 Q3.  Their orbits are nearly identical and they are linked to each other.  The orbital elements of these two comets are similar to the comet discovered here: C/1994 N1.

I found this comet 574.75 search hours since my previous find two years earlier.  I had searched on 337 sessions (mornings and evenings) since I found Comet 1992k.  The comet was 30 degrees high in my sky and 54 degrees from the sun.  In the summer it is useful to cover the polar region as the sun is far north and one can easily sweep to within 45 degrees of the sun even at midnight!

On August 6, a month after discovery, this comet passed to within 5.2 degrees of a comet that I would find a week after that date.  Then, eight weeks after that discovery I found my third comet in four months.